Have you Switched Off Yet?

These days so many of us are part of an “always on” work culture.  Email is checked irrespective of the time of day.  Laptops are left on constantly.  Almost all waking hours are part of the working day.

The line has become so blurred between work and home life that there is nothing left to distinguish between the two.

Do any of us really switch off anymore??

So what’s stopping you?

  • You always feel like you need to get something done or tick something off a list in order to gain a sense of achievement.

  • You’ve mentally programmed yourself to associate volume of hours worked with progress

  • You approach your working life with such speed that when you try to relax the transition to a slower pace comes as a shock. Which you then fight against

  • You spend so little time doing nothing that the concept feels alien. Instead you fill your time in order to try to normalise things

But at what cost does this come?   Failure to switch off means impaired decision-making, poor memory and a lack of empathy.  Ultimately this translates to a lack of effectiveness in your role.

It’s not the quantity of work you get done that makes a difference.  It’s the quality of what you have achieved.

What will you say no to today?


Are you really Coaching your people?