Do your team members hold themselves to account?

If not does this mean they don’t deliver the results you were expecting?

When there’s a lack of accountability in your team it’s usually one of three things

  1. A lack of clarity. Has the RACI been defined? Is it clear who is responsible for the delivery of the task AND who is accountable for the results? Has the outcome been clearly defined and communicated

  2. A lack of delegation. You communicate the task, but you keep getting involved in what needs to be done.

  3. A lack of trust. You don’t delegate the task because you believe you will do it better yourself.

You can’t expect your team to become accountable when you put barriers in their way.

Most of the time people don’t need you to tell them how to get things done.

They just need to know what you expect them to deliver.


Is your yes-ometer tired of saying yes?


6 Powerful questions to ask that will guide your next career move.