Is your yes-ometer tired of saying yes?
Is your yes-ometer tired of saying yes? Or is it your no-ometer that needs to back off?
Sometimes it’s hard to get the balance right. How do you know when it’s off?
Your yes-ometer is overworked when…
You say yes to all meetings just because they MIGHT be useful
You continue working even when it’s counter-productive to do so
You consistently say yes to please other people
You are mentally and/or physically exhausted because you always say yes
Your over-commitment is having a detrimental impact on others
Your no-ometer needs to back off when…
You don’t do things because you think you might fail
You hold back because you think you will look stupid
You let negatives get in the way even though you know the positives outweigh them
The impact?
A detrimental impact to your physical and/or mental health
Burnout. Depression. Illness.
You fail to achieve your goals or aspirations
Keep your yes and no-ometer in check.
Ask yourself these simple questions;
What’s most important RIGHT NOW?
What WILL (not might) happen as a result of saying yes/no
What other choice can you make?
What will you say yes to and what will you say no to today?